Service Area • Child Welfare & Justice Transformation

Laws and Liabilities

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Investigative Logistics/Best Practices for Law Enforcement

Whether bystanders, alleged offenders or victims, children and youth are often present when public safety officers enter a home.  Get tips on how to best engage with kids of all ages and ways to more accurately surmise their welfare within the home, neighborhood or community.

Child Welfare Law 101 (Federal and State)

New to the field, too busy to keep up with state or federal law, or just wanting to know more about how it works? Take this class and get the broad but useful overview of child welfare law at each level of government.

Thinking Within the Law but Outside the Box to Improve Safety

Laws and regulations are only as good as the paper (or server!) they are written on, without commitment to thoughtful implementation, funding and oversight. Learn how to creatively and strategically ensure purposeful fulfilment of the laws and rules that govern child safety through funding streams; interpretation of law, rule, and precedent; and meaningful enforcement of such.

All About Dependency Court­­

Dependency proceedings tend to be gatherings of many people, each representing a segment of the child protection story: biological parents, foster parents, Court Appointed Special Advocates, attorneys, child welfare caseworkers, and more. Find out how it all fits together in this customized overview of child welfare proceedings and protocols in your area.

Are You Liable for Lawsuits?

Despite the best efforts and intentions, even the most hard-working, well-intentioned public and private agencies can find themselves on the ugly end of a lawsuit. Find out how to avoid hires, practices, and mistakes that can make you liable.  Also learn how to responsibly respond to a lawsuit to preserve your reputation, your business, and the safety of the children in your care.

Addressing International Challenges, Barriers and Complications

While conditions that land children in foster care may be similar around the world, laws, rules, regulations and protocols vary widely. What’s more, the international nature of many adoptions and other child safety situations adds to the complexity with each country-to-country communication, legal exchange or movement of a child. Improve your understanding of international child safety, adoption and foster care, and how to navigate common barriers to achieve successful placements and child outcomes.

Expert Witness Services

Need help navigating a child protection case, a lawsuit or with international child welfare law? CWJT’s Tom Rawlings may be the expert you need to review a case or testify as an expert witness in court. And if Tom is not the right fit, other members of the CWTJ team may be.



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